...getting it out there.

My way to "just go with it"...

Saturday, April 15, 2006


I have not posted in a long time. I don't really feel like posting now except that I feel some type of update is essential. Concert week was a good time. The Starting Line had some sweet openers - Cartel, and Copeland. I bought one of Copeland's CD's, and downloaded the other. And downloaded Cartel's album and EP. So I'm in good shape, and loving Cartel. Also loving...

Jack's Mannequin
Anna Nalick
Mat Kearney (opened for Matt Wertz at the Hope Show, and is unbelievable)
Jamie Cullum

Some big albums coming out in the next couple weeks, also. Story of the Year has a new one coming out Tuesday (the 18th), as does Mat Kearney. And Taking Back Sunday has a new one out April 25th. I'm excited. I'll have to start checking Best Buy to see if there are any good sales!

Anyway, concert week. Thursday's Guster show was good, though not the best of the lot. It was at the MSU auditorium which is pretty much a middle school gym, so terrible sound anyway. And then their front-of-house didn't really seem to know what he was doing which sucked. I'll still see them again of course. And Cassidy and I definitely met them, so you can't go wrong there. Brian is amazing in person. A group was standing waiting to get pictures and all that, and I asked him if they were going to play Scrabble with us (because I'd emailed him the night before) and he was like, did I email you back? And I said that I didn't know, I hadn't checked, I'd just emailed them in the middle of the night, and he was like...oh, yeah..I write Scrabble emails in the middle of the night, too... That was when I fell in love even more. As if it were even possible. Pretty much Cassidy and I are a little bit stalker, and a lot frickin' amazing.

Saturday night found me with Rachael, her boyfriend John, and Ben Vander Boon at Hope College seeing Matt Wertz rock his shit. Best concert of the week I think (though Starting Line is a close second). Rach and I made shirts. They turned out really well. Had a lot of fun. When I was leaving her apartment though, it was like 4am and I had to go back in 3 times because I kept forgetting stuff. My blanket once, my phone another. The shitty thing about the phone was that it was the last thing I forgot, and I had to buzz her apartment which is loud and obnoxious and I felt badly. But I hadn't been out the door 2 minutes, so I knew it wasn't a big deal. But still. She's got surgery on May 1st so she's going to be home for 3 weeks, so I'm going to go see her (in Dowagiac) while she's recovering. Bring her movies and whatnot. Cosmo mags. Slurpees. I'm excited!

This week I've just been working a lot, to make all of the cash money I need by the end of April. Sunday night we went to the bar after work and I ended up sleeping at Karens (i.e., passing out). Nik kissed me. Weird. Wednesday night stayed at Ben's house after work, not too much bar eventfulness though. Thursday night got out a bit earlier than I planned and Jess O and I ended up spending 5 hours at Z's, kissed 2 guys we work with (we're stupid drunk kissing hoes is all), and then ended up at some East Town bar (Mulligans) that is definitely not our scene. Too many tattoos and piercings for my liking...I much prefer the chill of the West Side. Tonight Rachael and I just went for coffee and I came back because neither of us felt like drinking. Originally Geoff was supposed to come (he called me early last week to say we should go to the bar tonight), then all day I was really excited for him to come, telling everyone from work that he was coming, saying they had to meet him. And he was texting me, affirming him coming. Then an hour and a half before he was supposed to meet me, he texts me to say he doesn't feel like coming and can he raincheck. Okay Opie. So it might be tomorrow, but I'm not sure. I might not be out early enough to bar, but I left him a voicemail and said he could come sit in my section and drink if he wants to. I told LeeAnn to come, and Cass can as well. Jess said she might come in and hang out because she wants to meet Geoff. I think those two would be a fun little summer fling. Though the last 2 days have been really cool and I think she's roughly 8,370,000 times cooler than I thought she was last week, do I want her around Geoff all the time? I'll let you know. But kisses I can OK.

I've got to get home. I work tomorrow night...yikes.


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