...getting it out there.

My way to "just go with it"...

Monday, March 27, 2006

Not feelin' it...

Quick update time, 'cause I'm not sure that I'm feeling the blogging right now...

Friday night, Geoff's apartment, his pre-birthday birthday party. I had cleaned their bathrooms on Wednesday night, so it was up for the challenge. Geoff had bought dry ice for the keg, and I kept stealing pieces to use for my drinks, so they were most definitely the coolest looking drinks there. Except at one point when I swallowed a tiny straggler of it, and it burned my throat. LeeAnn got upset and made me strain out the ice, haha.

Saturday night, went with Cassidy and Lauren to Royal Oak. The "guest of honor", birthday boy Ryan, got kicked out of the house before we got there, so the party was no longer for him but just for fun. We participated in a random-draw beer pong tournament, where I did NOT place. It was Lauren and Josh against me and this Pat character, and we lost by 2-3 cups. Then in the losers bracket a bunch of people had left and it ended up being a girl named Marci, with Josh filling in...against me, going alone. I lost by 1 cup. Bummer town. Fun factoid though - Alison told Lauren that she and Josh have been together since January, and the empirical part of me finds it interesting that none of that adds up. I wonder if she missed the memo that...they're not? I don't think he's lying to me. I think she's just a Stage 4 Clinger.

Today we left, hit up Big Boy, the MSU Dairy (Lauren has a friend who was working), and then I drove to Lowell only to find that Geoff's family function was in fact at HIS house. So I went there, took a nap, hung out. After everyone left I putzed around and helped his mom label some jewelry that she's sending to Pennsylvania to sell. Came to Opie's...and here I am.

Nyle's funeral is tomorrow. Later today technically - 11am. I still haven't made the official "I'm going" decision, and the more I think about it, the more I think I'm not. I should be there for Opie. I should go because that would be what is good. But I feel like, by me being there, I'm taking up space that should be for people who knew him better than me. And why should I contribute to the familys long list of people they feel obligated to console, even though they're the ones that should be getting consoled? Not that I'm going to require consolation, but it's the principle of it...I feel like it will be an amazing funeral. There will be so many people there. Martin is singing. And at least this won't be a eulogy from a random person that never knew Nyle. But again...I feel like I might be posing by being there.

That's really all I've got. I'm pretty tired, therefore not a lot of thoughts are going through my head that make sense. And I feel like those that do will just be rambling and repetative, so I'll spare you tonight.

My iPod is (pretty much) officially dead. There are a couple of things that suck about that...1. I will have to reget music from LeeAnn, Cassidy, Opie, and Geoff. Not a problem except that LeeAnn and Opie (and possibly Cass) have since deleted music that I had on Apollo. 2. In order to replace some of the music, it may involve either profuse downloading, or the re-borrowing and re-ripping of many of Ben's CDs...which is just annoying for all parties involved. 3. I will have lost my playlists. Again not a huge deal, I did only have 5, and 3 of them will be fairly easy to re-get because they're the 2 CD's I've sent Josh (which I have written down someplace, or can ask him), and the Life Soundtrack I just made (which I blogged). But the other 2 playlists were "Go To Hell"; 1 was CD-length, I just have never gotten around to making it, and the other was quite long and I know I don't have the songlist anywhere. Sooooo...boo. I'm hoping that Apollo shows me mercy just one more time before I reformat...4. I fall asleep to Apollo, and I feel that I will have trouble without it. Seriously, it's bad. Last night I had trouble getting settled down, and I think it's part of the reason I'm so...weird...tonight.


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