...getting it out there.

My way to "just go with it"...

Thursday, February 16, 2006

All right, real post time. For real though. Not any of the cop out randomness I've been typing.

I dropped anatomy, so now I'm down to 1 class, 4 credits. It took me from the city streets of Royal Oak to the Lyons-Muir exit to make that decision, but once I actually went and dropped the class, I felt pretty good about it. There is just too much going on for me this semester to put the effort I should into any classes, but most especially 2 difficult, full-time classes. Anatomy in itself is an assload, and then when you tack on an organismal biological diversity class...I hate organismal biology. I hate naming plants, and microscopic organisms. I don't like doing it. And I'm so unfocused right now that it makes it hard for me to do this craziness. So I decided that, with my medication starting next Tuesday (barred only by my not yet having the medication by next Monday), and therefore the side effects starting the same day and lasting for the remainder of the semester, I would cut down my schedule.

Work has been tedious lately. I'm starting to dread going to work again, which is never good. The money hasn't been great, and that is definitely the only reason I really like that job. I like the people that I work with, but I could do without 87% of the people that come in to eat. People are just rude! Seriously, everyone should be required to work in a restaurant before they can eat in one. Maybe then they'd see what they look like. And, as Ryan Reynolds so accurately put it, "Don't fuck with the people who are bringing you your food." I always have a bottle of Visine on me, and the floors in the kitchen are not that clean...

I am very much liking my car. I feel like I'm packing the miles on it though...I've seriously put over 2000 on it since I started driving it exactly 2 weeks ago. (Which is crazy, p.s.) However, it's not like I'm driving to Royal Oak every week, and Lansing is just like driving to Grand Rapids...I'll just have to start staying in GRap more once I get settled into everything. I don't particularily like staying at home anyway...

The parents are a whole new rant. Ridiculous. I don't even have the energy for it right now, but lets just say that Ben and I need their tax forms for our financial aid papers, and they're mysteriously hard to come by. Mom's under the impression that Ben still has their forms from last year (which they never filed) and she wants them back so she's being a bitch about it. It's just an inappropriate situation, all-around. That's not even all the stupid things she was saying to Ben. Asking him when he's going to graduate, and why he's had to retake classes...funny story, he's actually working 2 jobs to pay his own way through school because your beer is more important than helping out the kids you chose to have a few years back. So shut the fuck up and give him the 3 papers that he needs to try and make it a little easier on him. I don't give 2 shits that you're approaching 50 and are oh-so-worldly, you have no idea what kind of bullshit the 4 of us kid had to deal with having the two of you as parents. I can promise it wasn't the life either of you grew up with. We've lived a little more in our 19+ years than you did at our age, so really...shut the fuck up.

Thankfully the Olympics are on. I pretty much love Shaun White. I want to learn how to snowboard, so I'm banking on one of 4 people to teach me. In 4 years, I want to be able to do some stupid little trick on a half-pipe. I've started strengthening my core in order to make balancing a little more fluid...this is exciting.

Guster is playing at MSU in April!! Tickets go on sale next week, and I'm pretty excited about that, too. I'm getting tickets for sure. It's been 2 years since they've been in Michigan, and I tell you...too long.

Something is wrong with Karen, and has been wrong, and I don't know what.


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