...getting it out there.

My way to "just go with it"...

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Cassidy's Roster - 1/17/06
Kahlua & Cream (@Applebee's)
Miller Lite bottle (@Friday's)
Tigers Eye shot (@Friday's)
Rum Runner (@Friday's)
Hawaiian Volcano (@Friday's)
Ultimate Mango Berry Margarita (@Friday's) - stolen from a table after the people left...they weren't drinking it. Really. There was maybe a sip gone.
*Magically Refillable* Long Island Iced Tea (@Z's) - Matt is amazing.
Dutch Boy shot (@Z's)
Washington Watermelon shot (@Z's)
Dirty Girl Scout shot (@Z's)
*Magically Refillable* Long Island Iced Tea
Blow Job shot (@Z's)
Tootsie Roll shot (@Z's)
Oatmeal Cookie shot (@Z's)
*Magically Refillable* Long Island Iced Tea
Chocolate Cake shot (@Z's)

Opie. Geoff. Karen. Nick Patrick. Cody Yaw. Ben. Cortni. The Birthday Girl. Thai. Matt. It was a good night. *Cheers to Cassidy! Because remember..."Your 21st birthday only comes once a year."

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

**Cassidy's 21st Birthday Remix** is as follows (in no particular order):
Sugarcult - Bouncin' Off the Walls Again
Something Corporate - 21 and Invincible
Vanilla Ice - Ice, Ice Baby
Weezer - Island In the Sun
Weezer - The Sweater Song
Five For Fighting - 100 Years
Garth Brooks - Ain't Goin' Down ('Til the Sun Comes Up)
Gavin DeGraw - Chemical Party
Gavin DeGraw - Let's Get It On
Good Charlotte - The Young & the Hopeless
Green Day - Holiday
Gwen Stephani - Holla Back Girl
Hot Hot Heat - Goodnight, Goodnight
Howie Day - Buzzin'
Tegan & Sara - Downtown
50 Cent - In Da Club (It's Your Birthday)
Aerosmith - Livin' On the Edge
The Rolling Stones - I Can't Get No Satisfaction
Neal McCoy - Billly's Got His Beer Goggles On
Brad Paisley - Alcohol
The Barenaked Ladies - Alcohol
....I will be figuring out the exact configuration of the disc later, and I'll let you know!

Not much has been going on. Cassidy is 21 today!! and we're meeting in 1 hour and 45 minutes at Friday's Downtown to feast and toast, and then moving to Z's Sports Bar and Grill to finish the night. Then we're off to Karens for slumbering and whatnot before class tomorrow, woohoo, haha. Good times. As of right now...I'm off to try and break into my iPod!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Now for the real post! I'm listening to James Blunt right now. Here's my James Blunt history, because it's been happening so fast - I saw a little sidebar thing about him on livedaily.com a couple of months ago, and wrote down his name to check out but didn't right away. The one night I was compiling songs for a CD and Abe had left the TV on but turned the volume off, and at one point I happened to glance up and saw who I thought was Gavin DeGraw sitting at a piano. Naturally I took the iPod earbuds out and turned up the volume, and my ears were greeted with a song that was not Gavin, but was glorious. I wrote down a line of a song that ended up being "Goodbye My Lover" (which was a little ironic because the CD I was compiling was a "Go To Hell" mix inspired by Jeff, and the small part of the song that I caught was perfect for the mellow portion of the compilation), and took note of James Blunt once again. The rest is history..it took me a few weeks, but it's on Apollo (my iPod), and it's good.

I'm inspired to start posting "playlists" whenever I am listening to something that I feel is worthy of notemaking. I've made Josh a couple of medly's that I still listen to, and I've got a couple more for him that are awaiting my procrastination to end (so that I'll actually burn them). I'll have Cassidy's 21st birthday playlist here in a couple days, haha.

My mouth hurts right now. It feels like my teeth are just pushing against each other and doing something to my oral nerves that they shouldn't be. Frickin teeth. I don't really have much excuse to not get them pulled, except that whole money thing. I have good insurance, but back when I was going to get my wisdom teeth pulled originally, I had to reschedule for some reason, and then could never get the copay amount around because it was like...just under $3oo. And back then, that was impossible. Long story not really shortened, I need to get the damn teeth pulled 'cause it hurts.

Lets get this playlist thing started with what I've been listening to a lot the last few days...

Simple Plan - One Day
James Blunt - Tears & Rain
Alicia Keys - Fallin'
Keaton Simons - Mood Swings
John Mayer - Love Soon
Something Corporate - As You Sleep
Blink 182 - I Miss You
Ronnie Day - Ever & After
Dave Matthews Band - Joyride
The Postal Service - Sleeping In
Matt Wertz - Somedays

That's all I've got so far...it's pretty much been exclusively Mr. Blunt with the other songs thrown in for flavor, so don't get any crazy ideas.
I'm trying to clean out my facebook "favorite quotes" section, so they're getting dumped here...

"I make mistakes like the next man. In fact, being — forgive me — rather cleverer than most men, my mistakes tend to be correspondingly huger." -Dumbledore

Samir: No one in this country can ever pronounce my name right. It's not that hard: Na-ee-ana-jaad. Nayanajaad.
Michael Bolton: Yeah, well at least your name isn't Michael Bolton.
Samir: You know there's nothing wrong with that name.
Michael Bolton: There was nothing wrong with it... until that no-talent ass clown became famous and started winning Grammys.
Samir: Hmm... well why don't you just go by Mike instead of Michael?
Michael Bolton: No way! Why should I change? He's the one who sucks.

"Sometimes you need a few drinks to fall in love." -Gavin DeGraw

"All human actions have 1 or more of these 7 causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire." -Aristotle

"Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain." -Arthur Weasley

"If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals." -Sirius Black

"We must try not to sink beneath our anguish, Harry, but battle on." -Albus Dumbledore

"It is not always the same thing to be a good man, and a good citizen." -Aristotle

"There's nothing hidden in your head the Sorting Hat can't see/So try me on and I will tell you where you ought to be/You might belong in Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart/Their daring, nerve and chivalry set Gryffindors apart/You might belong in Hufflepuff, where they are just and loyal/Those patient Hufflepuffs are true and unafraid of toil/Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, if you've a ready mind/Where those of wit and learning will always find their kind/Or perhaps in Slytherin you'll make your real friends/Those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends." -Hogwarts Sorting Hat (in the 1st year)

"Welcome! Welcome to the new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you!" -Albus Dumbledore

"What happens if I wave my wand and nothing happens?"
"Throw it away and punch him on the nose." -Harry & Ron

"Can you believe our luck? Of all the trees we could've hit, we had to get one that hits back." -Ron

"But why's she got to go to the library?"
"Because that's what Hermione does. When in doubt, go to the library." -Harry & Ron

"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." -Dumbledore

"It's only a game, isn't it?"
"Hermione, you're good on feelings and stuff, but you just don't understand about Quidditch."
"Maybe not, but at least my happiness doesn't depend on Ron's goalkeeping ability." -Hermione& Harry

"Indeed, your failure to understand that there are things much worse than death has always been your greatest weakness." -Dumbledore, to Voldemort

"Greatness inspires envy, envy engenders spite, spite spawns lies." -Tom Riddle

"Perhaps it is because these are, in their way, more real than reality. They touch a chord. They go to the deep things - life and death, good and evil, struggle, heroism. They are, in one word, exciting..." -Irish Independent editorial, praising (film releases of) "Harry Potter" & "Lord of the Rings"

"Time is never time at all...you can never, ever leave without leaving a piece of you...and our lives are forever changed, they will never be the same...the more you change, the less you feel." - Billy Corgan, "Tonight, Tonight", Smashing Pumpkins, Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness.

"Humor is the only test of gravity, and gravity of humor; for a subject which will not bear raillery is suspicious, and a jest which will not bear serious examination is false wit." -Aristotle

"For those who believe in God, most of the big questions are answered. But for those of us who can't readily accept the God formula, the big answers don't remain stone-written. We adjust to new conditions and discoveries. We are pliable. Love need not be a command, or faith a dictum. I am my own God. We are here to unlearn the teachings of the church, state, and our educational system. We are here to drink beer. We are here to kill war. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us." - Charles Bukowski

Friday, January 13, 2006

Crazy ass shit. (That was 2/3 swear words - good work by me.) Lakewood wrestled Haslett tonight; I went with Abby and Val, and Megan met us there. We picked Alan up on the way. Haslett scored a total of 6 points with 1 pin, and Lakewood squeaked past with 67. The entire thing lasted 33 minutes, haha. Afterwards we exchanged Alan for Geoff and hung out at Grand River IHOP for a bit of feasting, and then I had to say farewell to Abbickgaga until (probably) individual states. I miss that girl already!

I am excited for individuals, though. I'm in charge of getting tickets for everyone that's going, and I promised Abby an email tonight but I'm unable to get to mhsaa.com because whenever I type it in, I'm getting some weird online gaming website that's .net. I don't get it. But the email is done and sent, and I think I remembered all of the important information.

I have class in the morning. Bummertown; Population: me.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

He can piss off. Seriously, he hasn't changed and I haven't decided that I want to deal with him anymore than I wanted to 10 months ago, so it's done. I'll still give him an explanation for last summer if he wants, I probably will because I told him I would, but he's not worth it for me.

I've got some good new music lately!! I'm running out of room on the 20GB iPod, though. Opie and I proclaimed tonight that we really need 60GB ones, so I think that's my new goal for the end of the summer. Then my 20GB can be used for file transfer and PowerPoint presentations and whatnot. (Or I can sell it on eBay, haha.) I want a new bed first, though.

Cortni and I are trying to plan Ben's birthday right now, sort of. We haven't talked about it much, but on Christmas we said where we wanted everyone to have dinner, and she and I have discussed presents for him. Now it's just making final decisions, getting the guest list for dinner, and making reservations...I'm excited!

Also exciting is Cassidy's looming 21st! At midnight we're going to be strategically located at Uccello's (assuming Ben or Cort is working) so she can have a Rumple shot, and then Tuesday night I'm fairly sure we're going to Farmington Hills to celebrate at The Pony Express Saloon. That's not stone-written yet, but it sounds like the funnest of options. Yes, that's right, I said "funnest".

Sunday, January 08, 2006

I'm really annoyed right now so I'm going to vent on this rather than say something that I don't mean. I saw Jeff twice last week, once at Opie's (a group of us were playing Catchphrase) and again the other night at Sarah's house (a slightly different group was watching Wedding Crashers and playing Risk). On the way to Sarah's I was with Geoff and Opie, and they asked me what the deal was with me and Jeff, because they didn't really know the whole story and didn't understand the history of what was going on. Talking to them about it got me pretty worked up because Geoff kept irritating me and I felt like he was putting the primary blame on me, and I really wanted to go home rather than go to Sarah's but didn't feel like asking him to take me home. So then at Sarah's, because I was worked up, I wasn't particularly nice to Jeff. So today Jeff was online, and I IM'd him, told him how Risk had ended up, and asked him to IM me when he got back. So he IM'd me awhile later, all pissed that I'd been a jerk to him at Sarah's and said that he "wasn't worthy of being talked to or hung out with" forever, and now all of a sudden he's "good enough to IM". So I told him that the reason I'd IM'd him because I wanted to apologize for being a jerk. So fine, honest mistake by him and it didn't bother me. EXCEPT that he kept going. He said that I didn't want anything to do with him for the longest time, and then he was suddenly good enough to IM and then I was a jerk to him. What I didn't point out to him but perhaps should have was that he was the one who first IM'd me, not the other way around. We probably wouldn't be talking still right now if I was the one who was to initiate conversation, because that email he sent me made me think that he was done, and I didn't care enough at that point to keep trying. Trying with him has proven useless (a waste of my energy) for a long time, it just wasn't until last summer that I realized it. But because he started talking to me, I thought maybe it would be worth working back into something. I'm really irritated right now and not sure that I care after all. I got used to not needing him fairly quickly I thought, and since we've been talking it's just been stressful and an annoyance. If it were just he and I trying to talk through it, it would be one thing. But there's also a host of testosterone involved (i.e. Geoff and Opie), and Jeff doesn't seem like he's much different now than he was in July. I'm not really sure what he wants from me. He talks like he doesn't know why we ever stopped talking. I guess rather, to him we stopped talking because I didn't like him anymore. To me we stopped talking because he was pissed and I didn't care. I guess it's kind of the same thing. He said that I hated him, and I don't hate him and I told him that. I was frustrated with things having to do with him, but I didn't hate him. And as I said to him, I should have said something to him rather than saying something to Opie first, and I should have known that by saying something to Opie it would get instantly repeated to Jeff. Which it did. But I didn't think Jeff would be quite so unreasonable with his response. The fault lies with both of us, since both of us screwed up. He also said today that I continue to consistently talk badly about him. Again a difference of perspectives I guess. He said that his "favorite was when I told Liz O'Donnell that I liked Geoff and Alan, but not him (Jeff) so much", which I vaguly remember doing but I totally believe him. However, though I am sure I said it, I'm also sure that I wasn't serious because at I haven't cared what he's thought of me for awhile. In fact, my biggest concern for a long time was not what Jeff thought of me, but what our mutual friends thought of me, and I think I have their opinions sorted out at this point. It's funny how much drama we all create for ourselves in our little group. How much we all get in each other's business. Maybe we all keep doing it because we think, even if we stopped talking about anybody else, we would still get talked about, so what's the point? That's how I feel sometimes, for sure. I don't know. I'm just annoyed with the whole situation, and I want to make it right but I don't want to try and "talk" it out online. I owe him a letter, I told him I'd write one, and I need to write it. But I feel like all that is going to do is make him mad, and it will be pointless in the long run. Maybe I'm just not giving him enough credit. I'm going to try it, it's just finishing the letter and making it sound how I mean it. And in order for it to mean anything in the long run, he has to be willing to talk about it afterwards, even if "talking about it" means writing me back. I won't do this on msn, and I won't play an email game. I guess I need to think for a day or so and see how I feel then.