...getting it out there.

My way to "just go with it"...

Monday, March 13, 2006

Hope It's Alesheia, It's Alesheia, We Hope It's Alesheia...

Good day. I slept until 2:45, went to Cassidy's, made some posters, went to Geoff's in Lansing. Had coffee at Liv's shop, then she came over for a bit after work. When Cass and I got to Geoff's, he hadn't said that anyone would be home, but that he might be at Meijer and he'd leave the porch door unlocked for us. We had to crawl over the railing, and it was rather painful. I've always used a chair on the other side to put my foot on and there wasn't one, and I'm about 3/4 of an inch too short to be able to climb correctly. My butt hurt for at least 17 minutes.

I skipped a DVR'd Grey's Anatomy date with Opie tonight. By the time I got to his house, I think he was in bed...bad friend award goes to me.

I've had more time to think through things, plus I got to talk to Veitch today. I called him on my way to Cassidy's and asked if he needed me to make posters for Eddie and Cody (he/we always used to have posters ready for when the qualifiers and placers walk in on Monday after States). Sheila was going to later, but they're trying to get a daycare finished in the next month and they were working on that today, and I happen to be a big deal in the world of poster writing (haha), so Bob met us at the high school around 5 to steal some paint from the art room and unlock some doors for us. Cass made one for the cafeteria that said "'06 State Champs Eddie-189#, Cody-275# Good Job Boys!" with an outline of Michigan on it. I made "Congratulations Eddie 2006 State Champ "He's Kind of A Big Deal"", and "Great Job Cody State Champ '06". Veitch is coming in the morning to put them up, so I'm happy. Prior to actually starting the posters, we had one of our rare (but wonderful) heart-to-hearts. Those always make me miss Veitch. Anyway, we discussed States, and Alex & Eddie, and weighing in, and all kinds of things. Alex definitely broke in the second period. And there was one time when Eddie lost his balance and if Alex had capitalized on that, he could have put him on his back. He agreed that Alex had most definitely had a better tournament than Eddie up to that point. And he was as dumbfounded about DuPont as I was. Apparently when DuPont had been crying about his knee during his Bedes match, he'd told Veitch he wanted to injury default, and Veitch had told him that he was under no circumstances going to default, he was not going to embarass himself like that, and if he had to finish the match on one leg then that is what he was going to do. I can not believe he went on to be the champion. Sweet Jesus, that kid should be kissing the ground that Veitch, Boucher, and Alan walk on.

I really want to make a life soundtrack, but I'm having trouble settling down for a long enough time to really think about it. And I've been compiling playlists to make Josh new CD's for months, but again with the settling down. I'm going to be tired in the morning...it's after 2 right now, and I have to leave by 9...oops.

I just posted a bunch of articles I found on the Twins from the last few days. If I find any more, I'll definitely add them. And I still have to post what I now refer to as "My List Of Losers" (i.e., my picks for Champs. Damn it.)...


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